Amsterdam UMC

Reversed design leads to unique patient rooms in Amsterdam

The new patient rooms of the Amsterdam UMC are different. They are developed from inside out. The process really started with the needs of the patients and caregivers. The concept has been created with all stakeholders involved. Together with Ingenieursburo Linssen, EGM architects are responsible for further elaboration of the design of the renovation, after which Wiegerinck and construction company Heijmans took on the further engineering and implementation.

“This approach leads to an end result that is truly forward-looking. Given the fact that we are talking about one of the largest investments since the completion of the building, this is certainly relevant in the communication to the board of directors. We have therefore decided to work in this way for all major projects.”

Architects: EGM/ Wiegerinck. Copyright photography: Hanne van der Woude