
Multi-disciplinary design solutions for complex environments

Environments with complex processes and technology have to be designed in a multi-disciplinary way.
All stakeholders benefit when process, human interaction, media and technology are integrated and function seamlessly together.


We improve health environments in which processes take place. By investigating patient journeys and identifying important touchpoints we add value for both users and end-users.

Museums & science centers

We develop masterplans for museums and science centers. By translating the key message into meaningful storylines, immersive environments and engaging interactions we create memorable exhibitions for people from all walks of life.


Over the years we have designed and realised many brand experience centers for major companies and all are unique. Every brand center expresses the core values of the company. 
We design both spaces and media. Integration is the only way to achieve a coherent message.

service offering

Integrated design for spaces

Interaction & media

Information and communication are not a ‘add-ons’ when it comes to social environments.

Strategic planning and seamless embedding of user interactions and media enrich spaces for all occupants.

We specialize in integrating media and technology in complex 3D-surroundings.

3D brand Identity

Brands become tangible in 3D. Brand environments enable people to discover the core values of an organisation and interact with them. That’s why brand experience exceeds all forms of corporate communication.
We help organisations to develop unique storylines and implement them in their physical world.

Functional environments

Embedding core values in the functional layers of an organisation will strengthen the experience of all stakeholders. We specialize in developing branded work environments.

how we work

Holistic approach

Simple problems need simple solutions. But so do complex problems. By addressing them in a multi-disciplinary way and by involving all stakeholders MMEK’ creates coherent design solutions for complex environments.

MMEK’ Design Process

Understanding a question helps to find a good answer. We start a process by collecting and analysing meaningful insights. They can derive from internal experience of internal stakeholders. They can be the outcome of major changes in culture or technology. Sometimes these insights help clients to redefine the assignment. They always lead to meaningful design drivers for the design strategy.

Experience drivers are the key elements that form the overall perception of an organisation. They determine how a organisation is valued by internal and external stakeholders.

The design vision explains how the various experience drivers are connected to a journey and how they contribute to the experience of each touchpoint. This phase is characterised by strategic design and dramaturgic planning. All experience drivers are lined up so they can strengthen each other and can contribute to a clear experience of the brand identity.

When the experience touchpoints are determined next step is to develop the concept: social interactions, storylines, gaming elements, media and overall design. Testing of solutions in this phase is key.

In the next phase all elements are detailed. Functionality, content, media, shapes are determined in light of feasibility and costs. We prefer to collaborate closely with contractors and producers in this phase.

When it comes to complex environments building tests are essential. This can be done in a 3D mock up and/ or virtual reality. This way an essential design review is obtained before the realisation phase starts.

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