

Located between the towns of Groede and Breskens in Zeeland province, the Waterdunen nature reserve and recreational area is set in 350 hectares of salt creeks, mudflats, salt marshes and sandbanks, right where the land meets the sea. This type of scenery can be found throughout Zeeland province. The mix of long bicycle and walking paths, horseback riding trails, bird-watching huts and a campsite/holiday park should attract large numbers of tourists and locals alike.

How can people get to know this area and get to make the most of its unique assets?
While many bird lovers were already familiar with the spot on account of its unique fauna, the Zeeland provincial authorities were looking to develop the area to accommodate a larger variety of visitors. How do you turn a visit to this man-made landscape into a special experience for different types of visitors?

MMEK was invited to put its experience strategy to use and think about ways to open the area up to the public and enhance the visitor experience. The plan is based on the notion that the identity of the area can be strengthened: the beautiful scenery was created by people following the large-scale hydraulic engineering works completed in the area. It is this scenery that gives the area its unique identity, serving as an example of a new type of coastal reinforcement, like an updated version of the Delta Works construction projects.

Since the best way for people to discover the area is to navigate it, a key focus was the improvement of the various hiking and cycling paths. The differences in height within the nature preserve ensure that visitors can enjoy a range of different views of their environment.

Special structures inspired by hydraulic engineering works have been installed in strategic places, and visitors are encouraged to explore these structures by climbing them. From this height, they can enjoy a view of the entire area and thanks to the sheltered lower sections may even come face to face with a water bird or two. The individual structures also serve as landmarks in the area: destinations that incite visitors to explore the area further.

Some bird-spotting areas have ended up becoming meeting places for bird-watchers and non-bird-watchers, with the latter having the opportunity to learn from the former. Visitors can climb the tidal pass in the flood barrier on the north side, and a type of boulevard has been created where visitors can watch the water entering the area twice a day.

The condition for the development as a whole was that the new nature in Waterdunen should become an experience in itself, both for fledgling and more experienced nature lovers and for other recreational users.

The condition for the development as a whole was that the new nature in Waterdunen should become an experience in itself, both for fledgling and more experienced nature lovers and for other recreational users.

The design is based on and is the embodiment of Zeelands tourism strategy of positioning itself nationally and internationally as Land in the Sea. It enhances the rich variety of scenery across Zeeland, as well as being a link in the blue chain that is the Delta Works.

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